About us
Public-private education
MBA Renewables is a programme jointly offered by Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) and the private Renewables Academy (RENAC). Our programme benefits significantly from the collaboration of a state University of Applied Sciences and a private academy that is – while entirely independent – closely tied to the German renewable energy and energy efficiency industry.
BHT brings its scientific and organisational know-how and provides lecturers for the ‘classical’ MBA topics. At the university the MBA is organised by the Institute of Distance Learning, which has been offering distance learning education since 1983. The institute collaborates closely with the faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences, which brings its business administration and management know-how.
RENAC, being closely linked to the industry, brings know-how on renewable energy and energy efficiency, covering technology, financing, marketing, regulation and policy.

About Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT)

Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT)
Luxemburger Straße 10
D-13353 Berlin
Internet: www.bht-berlin.de/fsi
The motto of Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) is ‘Study the Future!’, which perfectly encapsulates our aims. The university follows a practical hands-on teaching and applied research approach. BHT’s roots date back to the 19th century, but its present form was established in 1971 when several engineering colleges, including Beuth Engineering School, were united to create the Berliner Hochschule für Technik.
BHT offers the widest range of courses in applied engineering, applied sciences and applied economics in the whole Berlin region. The high quality of the courses is reflected in the numerous prizes awarded for excellent degree results. There are over 70 accredited and innovative Bachelor and Master’s courses at BHT, some of which are available online or as blended courses.
- Institute of Distance Learning
- I Economics and Social Sciences
- II Mathematics - Physics - Chemistry
- III Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics
- IV Architecture and Building Engineering
- V Life Sciences and Technology
- VI Information Technology and Media
- VII Electrical Engineering and Precision Engineering
- VIII Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering and Environmental Engineering
More than 30% of the 12,600 students at Berliner Hochschule für Technik are female. The practical, top-quality courses, leading to professional qualifications, demonstrate the university’s cutting-edge profile. Prospective students join an outstanding university and our industrial partners worldwide gain the benefit of our practical expertise.
The Institute of Distance Learning at Berliner Hochschule für Technik has provided the highest quality and competency in further training and study programmes via distance learning for more than 30 years. The range of courses comprises six postgraduate Master’s programmes and several training courses.
For updates follow the Institute of Distance Learning on LinkedIn.
About Renewables Academy
Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG
Schönhauser Allee 10-11
D-10119 Berlin
Internet: www.renac.de
The Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG, based in Berlin, Germany, is one of the world’s leading providers of training and capacity building on renewable energy and energy efficiency. Since our founding in 2008, more than 30,000 participants from over 165 countries have participated in our training programmes.
The implementation of renewable energy and the reduction of energy consumption are increasingly important for securing future energy supplies and climate protection. Qualified staff and suitable conditions are the major prerequisites for the further development of renewable energy. RENAC provides training and further education for technicians, engineers, decision-makers, investors and developers in the areas of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Our goal is to disseminate, domestically and internationally, the excellent expertise available in Germany on the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency technology. Our education programme contributes to a sustainable global energy supply system.
In addition to the important technical aspects, RENAC also provides instruction on topics that are critical for achieving market growth and for the broader application of renewable energy, such as calculations, legal matters, contracts and monitoring.
- Cooperation with universities in academic education (Specialisation in Renewable Energy with the EARTH University in Costa Rica; Global Production Engineering with the Technische Universität Berlin; MBA Renewables with Berliner Hochschule für Technik)
- Customised training courses in Berlin and worldwide on renewable energy and energy efficiency
- Establishing training centres on renewables and energy efficiency for training providers
- Train-the-trainer programmes
- Delegation programmes
- Consultancy services
Team MBA Renewables
Programme Director

Prof. Dr. Peter Weimann
Business Administration and Business Informatics
Institute of Distance Learning

Prof. Dr. Florian Schindler, PhD

Tobias Hanel, Dipl. Ing.
Study Programme Coordinator

Silja Krösche, M.A.
Study Progamme Coordinator
Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG

Berthold Breid, Lic.

Uta Zähringer, M.A., M.Sc.
Head of Division Academic Programmes
Advisory board
Through the Advisory Board, MBA Renewables is building a platform of exchange between graduates and the green industry. The Advisory Board consists of highly experienced professionals active at different levels of the renewable energy value chain worldwide. Their mission is to provide input to the strategic development of the programme to ensure it meets the ever-changing needs of the renewable energy markets.
Mr. Stefan Chun
- Market Director, Power Generation
- Ramboll
Mr. Marcus Doerfler
- Market Manager HV France & Territory Manager GIS CSE
Mr. Kuno Schallenberg
- Renewable Energy Department, Project Manager
- intec, GOPA - International Energy Consultants GmbH
Mr. Stefan Müller
- Enerparc AG
Prof. Dr. Andreas Taschner
- Professor
- ESB Business School
Mr. Clemens Triebel
- Consultant
Mr. Bernhard Zymla
- Head of Competence Centre Energy
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Mr. Martin Schlecht
- Co-founder and Managing Director
- Suntrace GmbH