1st Semester

RE and EE Systems and Conecepts

Learning objectives and trained competencies

The module enhances understanding of renewable energy technologies, system design and applications and gives you an overview of energy efficiency concepts. It enables you to appreciate the performance of technologies and sharpens your ability to communicate effectively and knowledgably with relevant stakeholders.


  • Energy, electricity, CO2 emissions
  • Technology, components, systems sizing, applications for Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, Wind Energy, Biomass, Biogas, Biofuels, Geothermal Heat Pumps and Hydropower
  • Energy Efficiency in Industry and Commerce
  • Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment

Dr. - Ing. Volkhard Scholz


Volkhard Scholz works on agricultural engineering research at ATB Potsdam-Bornim. For the last 20 years, he has worked predominantly in the area of renewable energy in rural areas. He holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Tropical Agriculture and a PhD in Engineering Sciences.


He has specialized in sustainable production and the use of bioenergy sources such as energy crops, biogas and other biofuel and has managed projects in research and in industrial practice and published about 100 articles in journals and books.


Aside from his R&D activities, he continues to work as consultant and lecturer in more than 10 different countries. In the last few years, he has delivered lecture series in renewable energy at universities in Germany, Nigeria, Brazil and Costa Rica.


Energy Policy and Economic Framework

Learning objectives and trained competencies

The module gives you an overview of the key issues within energy policy, including drivers of the energy market, market structures and concepts, international climate policies, main actors, interests and instruments. You learn about the political frameworks for the market introduction of renewable energy technologies.


  • The World of Energy
  • Overview of Renewable Energy Technologies and VRE Integration
  • Understanding Energy Transitions
  • Global Climate Change
  • The Role of Energy Policy
  • Renewable Energy Policy Instruments
  • The Importance of Energy Efficiency
  • Understanding Electricity Markets

    Advanced Topics in the Energy Transition
  • Topic 1: Hydrogen
  • Topic 2: Will the Energy Transition Run out of Minerals?
  • Topic 3: Recyclability of Solar, Wind, and Battery Technologies

Toby Couture


Toby Couture is Director of Renewable Energy at E3 Analytics, an international energy consultancy based in Berlin, Germany.


Toby Couture has over a decade of experience in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors and has advised senior policymakers and regulators in over thirty countries around the world. This includes a number of projects with leading international organizations, including ECREEE, IRENA, GIZ, the IFC, UNDP, and UNIDO.


Mr. Couture is a native speaker of both French and English, is semi-fluent in Spanish and German and has varying levels of fluency in Greek and Swahili. He is a previous recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship, has studied renewable energy finance in France, has a Master’s degree in Environmental Policy from the University of Moncton in Canada, as well as an MSc. in Financial and Commercial Regulation from the London School of Economics in the UK.



Learning objectives and trained competencies

The module familiarizes you with the concepts, processes, principles and the system of accounting. You learn to apply the basic concepts of cost accounting and management accounting and are able to use accounting techniques for decision making, planning and control in RE & EE ventures and projects.



  • Fundamentals of financial accounting (incl. overview of P&L and balance sheet) and managerial accounting, accounting cycle
  • Sustainability accounting, environmental (cost) accounting
  • Specific product costing issues for RE&EE projects
  • Project cost accounting with specific issues in RE&EE projects

Prof. Dr. Hans Schmitz 


Hans Schmitz is Professor for Management Accounting and Management Control at Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin (Germany). Because of his expertise in different aspects of e-learning, he is a member of the e-learning team at Beuth Hochschule and manages an online bachelor degree program “industrial engineering”.   His research interests focus on behavioral aspects of management accounting and the design of accounting information systems. He has (co-)authored textbooks and academic articles on these topics.


Prior to his present position he worked for the University of Mannheim and Technische Universität Berlin in Germany. He has been teaching management accounting and management control courses on bachelor and master level and in professional training courses. 
Hans Schmitz gained industry experience from several consulting projects dealing with the design of management accounting systems and the implementation of IT-systems for accounting.


Hans Schmitz holds a PhD in Management Sciences of the University of Mannheim (Germany) and a degree as Industrial Engineer from Technische Universität Berlin (Germany).  He received the postdoctoral lecture qualification (venia legendi) for business administration from the University of Mannheim.

    2nd semester

    International Business Law

    Learning objectives and trained competencies

    The module fosters your understanding of how to determine the legal system applicable for business in other countries, the sources of international law and their underlying principles. It creates a basis to decide upon corporate structures and introduces international regulations for the exchange of goods and services (GATT, CISG).


    International Business Law

    • European business law, The World Trade Organisation (WTO, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), UN sales law - United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Corporate law, International property and investment law, law of trademarks


    Relevant contracts for renewable energy projects

    • Law of contracts – parties, offer & assumption, definition of subject matter and content, maintenance of compulsory legal provisions and formalities, legal enforceability and other aspects.
    • Specific contracts common in renewable energy projects – wind, photovoltaics, biogas; parties and their interests, content, possible conflicts and risks.

    Mr. Maximilian Feustel


    Maximilian Feustel is a German-qualified lawyer currently working as inhouse legal counsel for Global Tech I Offshore Wind GmbH, operator of a 400MW offshore windpark in the North Sea.


    Maximilian Feustel established KEE, a law firm specialising in renewable energy law as a founding Partner in 2010. He provided legal advice to a wide range of clients in the renewable energy sector, focussing on advising German and international manufacturers, developers, investors and banks concerning the planning, construction, operation and financing of renewable energy projects as well as the sale and purchase of such projects. He previously worked for an international law firm, focusing on international project finance transactions.


    He was admitted to the German bar in 2005. He holds an LL.M. degree from Maastricht University (Netherlands) after completing the University’s Magister Iuirs Communis program on European, comparative and international law. He studied law at Heidelberg University (Germany).

      Investment and Financing

      Learning objectives and trained competencies

      The module familiarizes you with the concepts and basic principles of corporate investment and financing. You learn to apply the basic concepts of corporate finance and corporate investment and are able to use this knowledge for financing and investment decisions in RE & EE ventures and projects.


      • Principles of corporate finance
      • Project financing with special focus on RE&EE financing schemes
      • Investment appraisal (techniques), business cases
      • Role of RE&EE support schemes for project finance and RE&EE investment attractiveness

      Prof. Dr. Andreas Taschner 


      Andreas Taschner is Professor for Management Accounting at ESB Business School of Reutlingen University (Germany). He also serves as Dean of Studies of ESB Business School.


      Prior to his present position he was Professor at Beuth Hochschule für Technik in Berlin. His major teaching and research interests are Management Accounting (with particular focus on SMEs and on supply chains), management reporting and business cases / investment appraisal techniques (with a focus on renewable energies). He has authored various books and scholarly articles in this field.

      Andreas Taschner has more than ten year of industry experience. He has held various functions in the telecommunications industry and was department head with responsibility for management accounting, cost control management control systems for business unit “services” in a German manufacturing company.


      Andreas Taschner holds a PhD in Management Sciences of Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Austria) and has spent part of his studies at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA).

        3rd semester

        Project Management

        Learning objectives and trained competencies

        Main character of project driven work is the view of a defined time line with an end. Working in this structure is for many people a challenge. This module helps you to find structures within projects and become familiar with the methods and techniques to manage projects, but it also shows risks and chances to be part of a changing environment.


        • Project charta
        • Stakeholder management
        • Scheduling
        • Cost management / Earned value method
        • Multi project management
        • Standards in project management
        • Maturity models

        Dr. A. J. Gilbert Silvius 


        A. J. Gilbert Silvius is professor of project and programme management at LOI University of Applied Sciences and principal consultant at Van Aetsveld change and project management. He is an internationally experienced consultant/trainer in project management and member of the international enable2change network of project management experts. As a practitioner, he has over 20 years hands-on experience in organizational change and IT projects.


        Dr. A. J. Gilbert Silvius is considered one of the leading experts in the field of sustainability in project management, with over a dozen papers and several books published on the topic. He was awarded the 2013 Sustainability Award of the international Green Project Management organization.


        He holds a PhD in information sciences from Utrecht University and master degrees in economics and business administration.

          Marketing Analysis and Instruments

          Learning objectives and trained competencies

          After successfully completing the module, you will be able to develop a marketing concept: defining specific marketing goals on the basis of the market analysis, formulating strategies in order to reach the defined goals and finally developing marketing-mix-instruments to realize the strategy.


          • Introduction to Marketing
          • Renewable Energy: Key Drivers
          • Environmental Analysis
          • Competitive Analysis
          • Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning
          • Marketing Strategy Aspects
          • Product and Services
          • Pricing
          • Distribution and Sales Channels
          • Promotion and Brand Management

          Pascal Vuichard


          Pascal Vuichard is an independent consultant for renewable energy and sustainability in Hong Kong and heads the executive education programme "Renewable Energy Management" at the University of St.Gallen. As of September 2021, he is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


          Pascal has over seven years of project management and consulting experience in the field of renewable energy and sustainability and has advised policymakers, investors, and regulators in various countries around the world. Pascal has gained additional working experience in an international NGO and an international IT-company in Switzerland and has served as a member of state parliament as well as city government council in his home country Switzerland.


          Pascal holds a PhD in Renewable Energy Management from the University of St.Gallen and is an alumni of the CEMS Master in International Management at the University of St.Gallen and the London School of Economics.

            HR and People Management

            Learning objectives and trained competencies

            In this module you learn about the central elements of human resource management and are able to understand its central instruments and methods such as performance management processes, interviews, assessment centers and communication. After successful completion, you should be able to conduct and lead communication processes as well as to mitigate or solve conflicts in an intercultural organizational set-up.


            • Central elements of human resource management
            • Analysis of organizational structures
            • Communication, feedback, conflict solving, negotiation skills
            • Recruitment process and different methods of recruiting
            • Leading performance management
            • New forms of communication (virtual communication and cooperation)
            • Intercultural communication and diversity management
            • Training Needs Assessment (TNA) and capacity building
            • Leadership styles, change management, coaching

            Prof. Dr. Michael Müller


            Michael Mueller teaches business administration and management at the Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) since April 2023.


            Michael gained 22 years of professional experience and management expertise in the BASF Group – the biggest chemical company in the world – and in management consulting with Horváth. He worked with more than 25 mid-sized companies and large corporations in various industries on challenges in business transformation, strategic controlling and international project management. Michael lived and worked in Europe, USA and Russia. In his last position before his professorship Michael led as Vice President an interdisciplinary team dealing with the strategic, financial and contractual matters of the natural gas transportation business within BASF.

            Michael has been engaged as speaker and lecturer on international conferences (Frankfurt, Zurich, Philadelphia, Charleston, Detroit etc.) on various management topics (strategic, financial, processes & organization). He is the author of numerous professional publications.


            Michael holds a doctoral degree in Industrial Management (Dr. rer. pol.) from European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel (Germany). He studied Industrial Engineering at Technical University of Berlin (Germany) and University of California at Berkeley, CA (USA).

              4th semester

              International Management

              Learning objectives and trained competencies

              In this module you acquire an in-depth knowledge of international management concepts and methods and become familiar with the specific environment of international business operations. You learn how to apply management concepts and techniques to your multinational and diverse environments.


              • International management and the multinational enterprise
              • Legal, political and economic environment of international operations – globalization
              • Strategic challenges of multinational management
              • Organizing international operations
              • Performance management in multinational companies
              • Managing diversity in global operations contexts, the cultural dimension of international business

              Dr. Michael Müller

              CURRENT POSITION

              Michael Mueller teaches business administration and management at the Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) since April 2023.


              Michael gained 22 years of professional experience and management expertise in the BASF Group – the biggest chemical company in the world – and in management consulting with Horváth. He worked with more than 25 mid-sized companies and large corporations in various industries on challenges in business transformation, strategic controlling and international project management. Michael lived and worked in Europe, USA and Russia. In his last position before his professorship Michael led as Vice President an interdisciplinary team dealing with the strategic, financial and contractual matters of the natural gas transportation business within BASF.

              Michael has been engaged as speaker and lecturer on international conferences (Frankfurt, Zurich, Philadelphia, Charleston, Detroit etc.) on various management topics (strategic, financial, processes & organization). He is the author of numerous professional publications.


              Michael holds a doctoral degree in Industrial Management (Dr. rer. pol.) from European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel (Germany). He studied Industrial Engineering at Technical University of Berlin (Germany) and University of California at Berkeley, CA (USA).

                Integrated Business Plan Development

                Learning objectives and trained competencies

                This module makes you familair with the importance of business plans and you learn to understand the conceptual approach on the elaboration of business plans. After successful completion of the module, you should be able to apply central accounting principles and methods to elaborate a business plan. You
                learn to analyze Business Cases (BCA) and become competent in developing a well-structured business plan.


                • Business Case Analysis (BCA), resource allocation
                • Common Planning Questions
                • Assessment of framework conditions, market survey, competitors analysis
                • Systematical approach on the elaboration of business plans
                • Software support for the elaboration of business plans
                • Investor relations
                • Business plans adaptation
                • Business plans in practice – presentation of business plans to investors
                • Business plan examples and case studies

                Mr. Alexander Boensch

                CURRENT POSITION

                Mr. Boensch works as a corporate finance advisor in Neue Energie Gesellschaft Berlin mbH (NEG).


                Since June 2008, Alexander Boensch has been consulting ENERTRAG Structured Finance AG, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ENERTRAG AG at Director’s level being in charge of corporate finance, risk management, procurement of capital, financial modelling, bank marketing and M&A activities.

                In 2003, Alexander Boensch started his own advisory business specializing in Project & Structured Finance consulting for renewable energy companies. In addition to his consulting work for wind energy industry clients, Alexander Boensch is member of the investment decision-making board of ENERTRAG EnergieZins GmbH, a well-established issuer of financial products exclusively based on claims on renewable energy assets.


                Mr. Boensch graduated from Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin) and has completed a vocational training in the banking industry.

                  Advanced Research Methods

                  Learning objectives and trained competencies

                  After successfully completing this module, you should be able to formulate research proposals and questions and to know about characteristics of important research methods. You gain practical competencies in the design and structure of a Master’s thesis and are able to write a research proposal including research background, significance, methods, references, expected results and a focused literature review.


                  • Introduction to the theory of research
                  • Screening of relevant information and sources
                  • Formulation of research proposals
                  • Qualitative and quantitative research methods
                  • Application of statistical methods
                  • Verification/falsification of research questions
                  • Subsuming of research results
                  • Research ethics
                  • Design of a Master’s thesis

                  Prof. Dr. Peter Weimann

                  CURRENT POSITION

                  Prof. Dr. Peter Weimann is Professor for Information Systems at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Berlin since 2006.


                  Prof. Dr. Peter Weimann worked in the industry and consulting business in different management positions for over 10 years. After being appointed Professor at the University of Cape Town and working in the Department of Infomration Systems he became Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Aalen and thereafter at the Beuth University Berlin. Peter Weimann has co-authored several textbooks and written research articles in the field of Information Systems, Business Engineering, Project Management and Health Management. His research topics are IS applications in hospitals, project management, virtual teams, research methods in sustainable and renewable energy studies.


                  Prof. Dr. Peter Weimann graduated as a Master in Computer Science in Germany and completed his PhD at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

                    5th semester

                    Master's Thesis

                    Module aims and trained competencies

                    The student can apply the knowledge gained during the course of studies to a practical problem. Under supervision and guidance of a field expert and / or an academic expert the student works independently on the selected topic respecting scientific standards.



                    • Content depends on the topic of the master's thesis.
                    • Topic must relate to one of the modules and should focus on the practical application of theoretical knowledge to a specific project or venture.

                    Oral Master's Examination

                    Module aims and trained competencies

                    The student is able to present the method and the result of the master thesis in a scientific discourse. He/she can
                    critically reflect the approach selected, is able to link own results to other research areas and can exemplify the
                    implications for business practice.



                    • Content depends on the topic of the master's thesis.



                    Learning objectives and trained competencies

                    By the end of this module, you will be able to articulate entrepreneurial ventures with finesse, employing creative strategies to cultivate innovation and cultivate novel business models. 
                    You will confidently define and interpret crucial facets of entrepreneurial marketing, financing, and organizational structures. 
                    Moreover, you will be adept at assessing and determining the viability of fresh business and innovation concepts within the realm of green energy.


                    • Introduction: Basic terms and definitions and motivation for entrepreneurship
                    • Business model generation
                    • Entrepreneurial market analysis
                    • Public relations, surveys and communication
                    • Funding a business
                    • Managing an enterprise
                    • Sustainable entrepreneurship
                    • Business opportunities and models in the solar industry

                    Alexander Haferland 

                    CURRENT POSITION

                    Alexander Haferland works as Head of Technology Consulting at Novatec Consulting GmbH. His core expertise lies in the areas of leadership, organizational change, technology and innovation. Moreover, he is working as a freelance consultant in the area of research and digital innovation within the fields of renewable energies, agriculture and archaeology.


                    Since 2005 Mr. Haferland has been working in project management and leadership positions throughout different industries. Within these roles he has been responsible for strategic and innovative projects in the areas of information technology, agile and lean. Since 2012 Mr. Haferland is working in the energy sector on the integration of renewable energies to the existing energy systems and the energy system transition in Germany.


                    Mr. Haferland holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in Renewables and a Bachelor of Engineering (B.-Eng.) in Communication Systems.

                    Advanced Renewable Energy Technologies

                    Learning objectives and trained competencies

                    The module aims to provide a deeper technical insight in five of the renewable energy technologies: Photovoltaics, solar thermal, CSP, wind energy and biomass.


                    • Photovoltaics: components, yield analysis and optimization, engineering and construction of grid-connected and stand alone PV plants, commissioning, monitoring and operation
                    • CSP: the solar field – different CSP technologies, boiler and water-steam cycle, steam turbine and balance of plant system, engineering, construction and optimization aspects
                    • Solar thermal: components, working principles, system design and dimensioning, systems configuration for different applications, maintenance, optimization, monitoring, economic aspects, basics of solar process heat
                    • Wind energy: wind resource measurement, wind farm planning onshore and offshore, repowering
                    • Biogas: substrates, engineering, operation and maintenance, sustainability aspects
                    • Excursus on grid integration of renewables

                    Mr. Craig Wong 

                    CURRENT POSITION

                    Craig Wong is currently working as a head of project development in a company named Infinity Biopower in Western US and as a project director in Weltec Biopower.


                    For the past years, Craig has worked in the US to help clients develop biogas plants, which process large quantities organic waste into renewable energy. He built relationships with clients, and helped them understand their project from a system’s perspective. Previously, Craig taught masters students at the University of Oldenburg in the renewable energy laboratory, installed testing equipment on an electric vehicle, worked in a Chinese PV panel factory, and as a Product Engineer.


                    Craig Wong holds a master’s degree in Renewable Energy Technologies from the University of Oldenburg in Germany, with a specialization in hybrid systems. His master’s thesis was to evaluate the feasibility of a wind-pump-hydro storage system on the island of Gran Canaria. Craig obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from California Polytechnic University in San Luis Obispo, California.

                    Renewable Hydrogen – Power-to-X 

                    Learning objectives and trained competencies

                    This module enables you to understand the basis for a sustainable establishment of hydrogen and the corresponding economic parameters in the energy matrix in order to apply the gained knowledge in the field of renewable hydrogen. Furthermore, you will be able to select and/or adapt the right technologies for green hydrogen projects in your countries/regions. 


                    • Introduction to renewable PtX and green hydrogen
                    • Sustainability and support policies
                    • PtX and carbon neutrality
                    • Global demand for PtX 
                    • PtX value chain and sector coupling
                    • Electrolyser application for hydrogen production
                    • Economic development based on renewables for hydrogen production
                    • Transport options for H2 and storage 
                    • Markets for renewable PtX – Virtual simulation of hydrogen economy: “Energy transition game”
                    • Sector application – Case studies 

                    Prof. Dr. Florian Schindler (PhD)

                    CURRENT POSITION

                    Prof. Dr. Schindler is heading the Institute of Distance Learning at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technologies. The Institute of Distance Learning is offering six postgraduate master’s study programmes, four bachelor’s programmes and 10 professional training programmes. His major fields of interest are renewable energies, environmental management, resource and energy efficiency, process engineering as well as international project management.


                    Prof. Dr. Schindler has been an international consultant for the German International Cooperation Agency (giz) working more than 10 years in Asia and South America. As an international expert he was leading environmental and resource efficiency projects. Within these projects he promoted the Centre for Environmental Studies (CES) at the largest Technical University in India and implemented integrated management systems in 5 countries of South America (MERCOSUR). As an international project manager he evaluated or was a trainer in a number of international renewable and energy efficiency projects in Central Asia, Central and South America and South East Asia. From 2021 onwards he forms part of the professors team of the green hydrogen / ptx- Hub of the German International Cooperation Agency (giz).


                    Prof. Schindler holds a PhD in environmental engineering working with membrane technologies and electrolysis applications; an engineering degree in biotechnology and is a business administration graduate of the Business and Administration Academy. Furthermore, he is an international consultant and accredited environmental auditor ISO 14001, Energy Manager ISO 50001 and member of the international Power-to-X Hub and as multiplicator in the field of workers’ safety and health (IAG).

                    Energy Management and Energy Efficiency

                    Learning objectives and trained competencies

                    The module deepens knowledge on different energy efficiency approaches, potentials, technologies, economics and legal aspects and highlights the role of different stakeholders. It enhances know-how on project management and quality management and explains relevant aspects based on case studies and operation models for energy efficiency measures.


                    • Energy Efficiency Definitions
                    • Financial and economic Analysis
                    • International Energy Efficiency Policy Scenarios
                    • Fuels
                    • Energy Efficiency Measures in Industry

                    Marta Stetsiv

                    CURRENT POSITION

                    Marta Stetsiv joined RENAC in 2023 as an expert in international energy efficiency training. As part of the Solar & Energy Efficiency Division, she conceptualises, plans, and manages international and national training programmes, materials, and projects for energy efficiency in buildings.


                    Before joining RENAC, Marta worked as a technical advisor at GIZ Ukraine for two IKI (Internationale Klimaschutzinitiative) projects focusing on energy efficiency in buildings. There she coordinated the planning and implementation of refurbishing multi-storey residential buildings, including construction. Marta also brings extensive experience as a team lead and engineer in the energy sector. She has an in-depth understanding of electricity supply networks and industries, markets and policies, and technical details of power grids and their components.


                    Marta received her master’s degree in Electrical Engineering Systems of Energy Consumption from Lviv Polytechnic National University in Ukraine.

                    Impulse talks:

                    • "How the Co-benefits approach supports can boost energy transitions and climate action"

                    Dr Sebastian Helgenberger, COBENEFITS project director and research group leader at IASS Potsdam.

                    • "The learning objectives of the online education programme, COBENEFITS Specialist for Renewable Energy"

                    Albrecht Tiedemann, project manager at RENAC for COBENEFITS and head of RENAC‘s Climate and Energy Policy and Grid Integration department.

                    • Meeting COBENEFITS graduates – sharing personal insights and experiences.

                    Engaging with trainers and graduates

                    Personal exchange in virtual group rooms 

                      1. Empowering governments - The political dimension of the COBENEFITS approach, moderated by Dr Sebastian Helgenberger (IASS)
                      2. Empowering businesses - The potential of the COBENEFITS approach for training staff and company leaders, moderated by Albrecht Tiedemann (RENAC)

                    Synthesis plenary: Sharing lessons learned