General information
Degree | Master of Business Administration (MBA) Renewables |
University | Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) in cooperation with Renewables Academy |
Content | • Management and leadership skills Learn more about the programme structure and curriculum. |
Lecturers | Professors from BHT and other universities as well as professionals from the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry. |
Duration 30 months | Credits 90 ECTS | Language English | Mode of study Part-time |
Duration 30 months | Credits 90 ECTS |
Language English | Mode of study Part-time |
In-person attendance | • Mandatory: oral examination |
Admission requirements | • University degree (210 ECTS credits) |
Fees and payment | €19,800 (examination fees per semester are included), payable in 5 instalments of €3,960 each |
Additional costs | Travel and accommodation expenses related to attending on-campus periods in Berlin, Germany |
Start 1 October, annually | Application Deadline 15 August | Accredited by ACQUIN Accreditation |
Start 1st October, annually |
Application Deadline 15th July |
Accredited by ACQUIN Accreditation |

There is a total of 15 modules: 11 mandatory modules and 4 elective modules. Students will complete the programme online using our online learning platform. During the first four semesters, students will take three to four modules per semester. The estimated time commitment is 125 hours to successfully complete one module. During the fifth semester, students focus on completing their Master’s theses.
As the curriculum has been designed for online, self-paced study, there are only fixed dates for module exams. There is also only one in-person programme requirement: students must visit our university to take the oral examination in Berlin, with the board of examiners. In the second and fourth semesters, we offer our students the opportunity to attend one week of classes on campus as part of an elective. This allows students to have a blended learning experience as part of their studies.
To facilitate the learning process and make it as comfortable and efficient as possible, we offer our students the following blend of different educational methods and services.
Learning materials for self-paced study
Each module includes learning material that has been exclusively developed for the MBA Renewables programme. The learning units are available on the learning platform as well as available for download as PDF files. Material includes examples, educational videos, and case studies. Case studies are particularly valuable as they are used to demonstrate how to apply the knowledge acquired.
Self-tests for learning assessment
Each module consists of several learning units, and each unit includes self-tests that covers the unit content. By completing self-tests, students can assess how much they have learned so far. They can better identify their strengths as well as understand which topics they need to focus on more.
Live virtual lectures
The live virtual lectures explain select issues in greater detail. Each lecture is a synchronous learning opportunity. Professors and lecturers connect with students via a web conference system—enabling students from all over the world to meet and discuss crucial issues related to the subject matter. Lectures will be recorded so that students who do not attend the live virtual lectures can download them and watch them later.
Each module ends with a final examination that covers the topics and concepts included in that module. Examinations can be written exams, online quizzes, or group presentations.
On-campus time
In the second and fourth semesters, students may enrol in the elective module, Advanced Practical Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) Implementation. As part of this elective, students will attend a one week training at the Renewables Academy (RENAC) training Centre in Berlin, Germany. The training will include hands-on exercises, lectures covering theory, field trips, and group work. The on-campus time is also an opportunity for students to meet their peers, lecturers, and the MBA Renewables team.
Oral Master’s examination
Students are required to submit a Master’s thesis in the final semester. Once it is handed in, students must schedule a date for their oral Master’s examination at Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) in Berlin when they present their thesis to the board of examiners. Students also have the chance to meet the team at BHT and RENAC in person.
Technical and organisational forums
Students can get in contact with their lecturers and fellow students at any time via the forums on the learning platform. This is the place to ask questions, exchange views, and discuss things beyond the online lectures. Lecturers and staff will answer questions within a short period of time.
Virtual collaboration tools
MBA Renewables promotes the exchange of experiences among its students. Therefore, virtual work groups form an integral part of the programme. As part of these work groups, students team up to prepare for assignments together. Students can send messages to other students directly via the learning platform. There they can also collaborate on simple text files, word, spreadsheet and presentation documents or upload documents. Students can access and manage virtual conference rooms independently via the web conference system.
Module completion status
The module completion status shows the progress a student towards finishing a module. It tracks how many activities (e.g. tests, assignments) a student has completed as part of a specific course contained in that module. Students can check their module completion statuses on the learning platform.
Student consultation
Twice a month students will have the opportunity to discuss individual questions regarding the study programme, for example, path of studying; electives; master thesis process, etc. The consultation will take place via Zoom with a representative from the BHT university.
Mobile app
The official mobile app of our learning platform and web conference system allows students to access the platform from their mobile devices. The app includes variety of features, such as offline access to content, push notifications.
Central helpdesk
For individual questions, the central help desk is the first point of contact. The MBA Renewables team at Berliner Hochschule für Technik is available to provide information and help you find solutions.
Fees and Funding

The tuition fees for the entire MBA Renewables programme are €19,800 (examination and enrolment fees are included). The fees are payable in five instalments of €3,960 each, to be paid at the beginning of each semester.
Accommodation and travel costs for the mandatory oral exam in Berlin, Germany and the optional on-campus time are not covered by tuition fees.
The MBA Renewables programme does not offer scholarships. For funding opportunities, search through these scholarship databases:
Employer support
Many companies offer their staff financial support when pursuing higher education. If it is likely that your current employer will benefit from your studies, we suggest that you discuss potential financing options with your HR department.
The MBA Renewables programme is designed for professionals who want to obtain management positions in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry. The programme is open to graduates who have a variety of professional and academic backgrounds.
Graduates with technical expertise as well as non-technicians who want to enhance their career prospects by improving their business and leadership skills are invited to apply. As a student, you will gain an understanding of the complexity of green energy markets and learn more about the crucial interrelationship among economics, technology, and regulatory politics in this field.

MBA Renewables students are located in more than 60 countries around the world. Most students currently work in the global green energy industry, and many others intend to start a career in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
The future of renewable energy generation: Renewables now! But what's next?
The third MBA Renewables alumni conference took place in Berlin from September 9 to 14, 2024.
Background: Why "Renewables now! But what’s next?"
In 2023, the MBA Renewables team asked alumni about their interest and possible topics for an alumni conference in 2024. As a result, the conference concept was developed under the motto: "Renewables now! But what's next?"
The conference will deal with the methods of futurology (futures studies) and design thinking, as these concepts are relevant for shaping the future.
Futures studies and design thinking are two concepts that are closely linked and complement each other. While futures studies aim to generate information about future trends, scenarios and developments, design thinking focuses on creating innovative solutions to complex problems. Together, they can provide a powerful tool set for shaping the future.
Introduction to both methods were given by the facilitators – the outcome: to draft energy concepts was done by the alumni of the MBA Renewables.
The MBA Renewables alumni was the right group for the conference concept, as they had a sense for future topics and careers in the (renewable) energy industry.
- Networking and cooperation: International Alumni network and cooperate with German universities and companies on issues of future sustainable energy supply in international cooperation.
- Drafting solutions for sustainable energy generation with renewable energy, the production of green hydrogen, energy storage and the digitalisation of the energy industry.
- The MBA Renewables alumni has expanded their expertise and present the developed concepts as multipliers in their professional context and invite contacts from their professional network.